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Places:<<   >>
Pawlett in the Domesday Book
In the below, T.R.E. stands for Tempore Regis Edicardi, from the time of King Edward I.
W is short for WALTER DE DOWAI
Renewald and Rademer are presumably Saxon tenants of Walter de dowai.

Walscin holds Stragelle, 'Estragella' [Stretcholt in Pawlett], and Renewald (holds it)
of him. Levegar held (it) T.R.E. and paid geld for half a hide. There is land 
for 2 ploughs. In demesne are '1 virgate and' 1 plough with 1 serf and there are 
3 bordars 'who have 1 virgate and half a plough' and 10 acres of meadow. 
'There are 8 beasts and 14 swine and 32 sheep.' It was and is worth 50 shillings.

Renewald holds of W[alter] Stragelle, 'Estragella' [Stretcholt in Pawlett]. Eddwold 
held (it) T.R.E. and paid geld for half a hide. There is land for 1 plough. In demesne 
are '1 virgate and' 2 ploughs and 2 serfs and (there are) 1 villein and 2 bordars 
with 1½ ploughs 'and 1 virgate.' 'There are 8 beasts and 43 swine and 31 sheep.' 
There (are) 10 acres of meadow. It is worth 50 shillings. 'When Walter received 
it, 40 shillings.'

Rademer holds of W[alter] Wallepille [Walpole in Pawlett]. Edward 'Brit' held (it) 
T.R.E. and paid geld for 3 virgates of land. There is land for 1 plough which 
is there in demesne 'with 1½ virgates' and (there are) 1 villein and 3 bordars 
with half a plough 'and 1½ virgates.' It was and is worth 20 shillings.

Walter holds 1 virgate of land which is called Doneham [probably Downend or 
Dunball in Puriton]. Algar held (it) T.R.E. This is part of that land which 
the king gave to him between (the) two waters (inter duas aquas). (fn. 49) 
It is worth 12 pence.

Rademer holds of W[alter] Cruce [doubtful]. (fn. 50) Edward held (it) T.R.E. and 
paid geld for 1 virgate. There is land for 1 plough which is there in demesne 
with 'half a virgate and' 4 bordars 'who have half a virgate.' 'There are 3 beasts and 
3 swine.' It is worth 10 shillings.

Rademer holds of W[alter] Bure [West Bower in Durleigh]. Saric held (it) T.R.E. and 
paid geld for half a hide. There is land for 3 ploughs. In demesne are '1 virgate 
and' 1 plough with 1 serf and (there are) 3 villeins and 2 bordars owning 
2 ploughs 'and 1 virgate.' 'There are 15 beasts and 21 swine.' It was and is 
worth 40 shillings.

This land belonged T.R.E. to Melecome [Melcombe Paulet] which now Robert de Odborvile holds.

---30 or so non Pawlett paragraphs before last reference---

Rademer (fn. 57) holds of W[alter] Pauelet [Pawlett]. Semar 
held (it) T.R.E. and paid geld for 1 virgate of land. There is 
land for 1 plough which is there in demesne with 1 serf and 2 bordars and 
3 cottars and 5 acres of meadow. 'There are 8 beasts and 10 swine and 20 sheep.' 
It was and is worth 10 shillings.