The Machines section of the Manage Machines activity allows one to control and see the status of queue server, fetcher, and mirror processes associated with the current instance of Yioop. If one is running the media updater in distributed mode one can also see the status of this process for each machine. The '+' button next to Machines can be used to add a new machine. Each machine corresponds to the url of one location where an instance of Yioop is running that one wants to associate with the current name server. By default, the name server itself is only machine listed and it has one queue server and two fetcher statuses listed. Be aware tat in addition to adding the machine through this form, to properly associate a Yioop instance with a name server, you must also log in to the instance's web interface and configure its server settings to match the current name server.
For each machine listed under Machines, there is a delete link to remove it from te list of managed machines, and then there are On/Off toggles for each process (such as queue server or fetcher) that it contains. These toggles are green if the process is currently running, yellow if the process was started but is not currently running correctly, and red, if the process is stopped. For each process, there is also a link to a log file which can be used to see recent activity (from most recent at top to less recent as one scrolls down) of that process.